Sunday Feast Cook Book: Introduction




Recently I was talking to Braja Gauranga Prabhu who does a lot of catering in Australia. Australian devotees do massive catering and prasadam distribution in general but Braja Gauranga has ratcheted the program up and has a fleet of commercial trucks that go to various concerts and festivals throughout the year and distribute thousands of plates of prasad.

We’ve identified a need that we suspect might have been fulfilled at some point in the past but since we don’t have anything to really build on at the moment I’m just going to start here until I’m directed otherwise.

We need a Sunday Feast cook book.

Anyone who’s tried to multiply the excellent recipes from books by devotees like Kurma, Yamuna or Adiraja into large quantities can tell you that it usually doesn’t work so well. The spicing is different with larger quantities and depends on factors such as wetness.

I was asked to cook the Sunday Feast about a week ago here at New Govardhana for what turned out to be around 200 seasoned guests. When I say ‘seasoned’ I don’t intend a pun – these are mostly old-school devotees who can discern a well cooked devotional feast from an attempt by an amateur. This is a great testing ground for recipes of large quantity, and by Krishna’s grace, we somehow managed to pull it off. I received a fair amount of praise from some of the stalwarts which is not easy to come by in this area.

Since I’ve completed my 5 week mega-strict health cleanse & mineral therapy (no salt, sugar, dairy, grains and heaps of other restrictions) I’ve got energy reserves that I wasn’t aware of. In many ways I feel like I’m in my 20’s again – just way more cynical and a lot less ‘hip’ i guess 🙂

I’d like to focus on compiling tried and true recipes from experienced devotees before they depart from this world. This is one way the sankirtan mission can go forward without having to re-invent the most basic mechanics. If you know how I can get in contact with any old-school kitchen bhaktas who’d be happy to share their wealth of experience then please leave a comment.

I’ll start posting the recipes as blog entries and when I have enough material I’ll look at different means to publish them. I think sounds interesting.

I’ll use mostly metric volumes because its just a better system than what they taught me in elementary school in the USA. The figures multiply easier too.


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