How I came To Krishna Consciousness Dot Com
Another community driven site idea .. w/ devotee profiles/blogs/pics and life stories. Like a www.livejournal.com exclusively for devotees.
Bala Gopala’s Daily Darsan
durvāsāḥ kapilo bhaumaḥ sindhu-sāgara-saṅgamaḥ govindo gopatir gotraḥ kālindī-prema-pūrakaḥ He is is Durvāsā (durvāsā), Kapila (kapila), the ruler of the earth (bhauma), the holy place where the Gaṅgā meets the ocean (sindhu-sāgara-saṅgama), the Lord who pleases the cows, land, and senses (govinda), the master of the cows (gopati), the protector of the cows (gotra), and a…
Gopala’s Garden
Broader religion classes backed
Melissa Maugeri April 19, 2006 SMALLER religious groups have welcomed a proposal to change laws that would allow parents to decide who offers spiritual instruction to their children in schools. The changes, to be enacted this year in Queensland state schools, came despite protests from Christian churches worried about marginalising religion in schools. But groups…
Hare Krishna Waltz
What’s this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCGQob0PG_g
Bala Gopala’s Daily Darsan
gokulendro mahā-candraḥ śarvarī priya-kārakaḥ kamalā-mukha-lolākṣaḥ puṇḍarīka-śubhāvahaḥ He is the moon of Gokula (gokulendra), the great moon (mahā-candra), the night (śarvarī), charming (priya-kāraka), the Lord whose restless eyes glance at the goddess of fortune (kamalā-mukha-lolākṣa), and splendid like a blue lotus flower (puṇḍarīka-śubhāvaha). – Sri Gopala-sahasra-nama – Text 5
ISKCON Health And Welfare Ministry
Eleven years worth of the very valuable ‘Hope This Meets You In Good Health’ Newsletter (ISKCON Health and Welfare Ministry) are available for download here courtesy of HH Prahladananda Swami (editor): http://www.prahladanandaswami.net/health
Gulab Kali Loved Gauranga
by Vipramukhya dasa Posted April 9, 2006 The picture shows Vipramukhya with Gulab Kali as a baby elephant in 1984. Some say Gulab Kali had a special relationship with me. I don’t know. I do know that she recognized me every year when I visited Mayapur. She would become happy to see me, as she…
High Speed Japa: The Math
This is great …. http://www.kuruvinda.com/personal.php?c=5
An Opportunity To Learn By Hearing
Management Mistakes I Have Made or I Have Seen Made by Other Leaders By Mahatma dasa ACBSP 1. When taking over a position, department, project, preaching center, temple, etc., to immediately begin making drastic changes. 2. To play favorites or to speak against or criticize certain sections of devotees. 3. To do or say anything…
Preaching Means To Take A Straw In The Mouth And Speak The Absolute Truth
As soon as you get some opportunity, preach. What is that preach? Preaching, Caitanya Mahāprabhu has advised us, yāre dekha tāre kaha kṛṣṇa-upadeśa [Cc. Madhya 7.128]. This is preaching. “Whoever you meet, simply speak of the instruction of Kṛṣṇa.” So if you are advanced, if you know what is the instruction of Kṛṣṇa by reading…
Bala Gopala’s Daily Darsan
Thank you, Hema Sundari Mataji for the donation for Gopala’s bhoga offering today. matsyo bhīmaḥ kuhu-bhartā hartā varāha-mūrtimān nārāyaṇo hṛṣīkeśo govindo garuḍa-dhvajaḥ He is the fish-incarnation (matsya), fearsome (bhīma), the master of the new-moon (kuhū-bhartā), He who takes away everything (hartā), the boar-incarnation (varāha-mūrtimān), the resting place of all living entities (nārāyaṇa), the master of…
Something To Always Remember
“One Krishna book sold means we go forward one step in our Krishna Consciousness. We should always remember this.” – Letter to Visnujana Maharaja : April 4, 1971 So in keeping with this request we are happy for you to download the entire Krishna Book by His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This is…