bhāskaro ravijo vidhuḥ
vidhir vidhātā varuṇo
vāruṇo vāruṇī-priyaḥ
He is the sun that makes the lotus of Śrī Rādhā’s face bloom (rādhā-mukhābja-mārtaṇḍa). He is glorious like the sun (bhāskara and ravija). He is glorious like the moon (vidhu). He is the creator (vidhi and vidhātā). He is the controller of Varuṇa (varuṇa), the descendent of Varuṇa (vāruṇa), and the beloved of Vāruṇī (vāruṇī-priya).
– Sri Gopala-sahasra-nama – Text 21
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