Donate For Bala Gopala’s Service
We are now able to accept credit card donations online for Sri Bala Gopala’s service. Just click here: Some suggested donations: $1008 – Embroidered clothing and backdrop from Vrindavana $508 – Building materials for a new altar $408 – Textiles for covering altar $108 – Bhoga: Organic dried fruits and nuts for a few weeks…
Bala Gopala’s Daily Darsan
Some of Gopala’s subscribers may be wondering why He hasn’t appeared on His site lately. This is because He has been preparing to shift to a different country and His servants have been very busy making arrangements. His worship continues on everyday but often the photos haven’t manifested. This post is a brief update to…
Sukha-sindhu das and Seva Kunja devi dasi
Fifteen Years Later: A Critique Of Gurukula
by Gabriel Deadwyler (Yudhisthira Dasa): A personal reflection on the legacy of a gurukula education by a gurukula alumnus. Yudhisthira Dasa gives a first-hand account of how ISKCON gurukulas prepared their students for life in the wider society and offers advice on how gurukulas can be improved. What duty does a gurukula owe to its…
Hanuman makers to film Krishna
from the Mumbai Mirror: After the success of the first animation movie Hanuman, plans are underway to make a similar film on Krishna. “This is not a one-off phenomenon but a long-run trend with more movies on Gods and Goddesses coming up in the years to come,” says Mahendra Hathi who originally conceived the Hanuman…
Crooked Disciples
by Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja Once a guru went to the house of one of his disciples. The disciple prepared nice food, and after the guru had eaten, the disciple wanted to show his guru-bhakti. In Ayurveda the haritaki fruit is recommended for good digestion, so the disciple came with haritaki for his…
How To Become A Rūpānuga Devotee
Temple construction is meant for the general populace and neophyte devotees, but the business of advanced and empowered devotees is to write books, publish them and distribute them widely. According to Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura, distributing literature is like playing on a great mṛdaṅga. Consequently we always request members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness…
What Should We Fear?
nāhaḿ viśańke sura-rāja-vajrān na tryaksa-śūlān na yamasya dandāt nāgny-arka-somānila-vittapāstrāc chańke bhrśaḿ brahma-kulāvamānāt TRANSLATION My dear sir, I am not at all afraid of the thunderbolt of King Indra, nor am I afraid of the serpentine, piercing trident of Lord Śiva. I do not care about the punishment of Yamarāja, the superintendent of death, nor am…
Nama, Guna, Rupa and Lila
Regarding your first question, is it offensive to think of Krishna’s Pastimes while chanting, I think you should know that it is not offensive, but rather it is required. One must try for the point when he simply hears Krishna and immediately all of Krishna, His Pastimes, His Form, His Quality, are in his thoughts.…
Letter To A Recently Toasted Academic Friend/Devotee
“However, whatever the field of work, the politics and social manipulation is often much more important than actual skill. I might as well try to learn (or renouce it all and live the worry free, easy life of a saint).” I like that there is a distinction here between the manipulation and politics seemingly required…
Strength To Serve Krishna Comes From Serving Krishna
“The more you serve Krishna, the more you get better strength to serve Him. Please remember this valuable advice and you will find it very convenient for your progressive march.” Letter to Gopala Krishna das – November 16, 1969
Meditation Thickens Parts of the Brain
sourced from livescience.com: Meditation alters brain patterns in ways that are likely permanent, scientists have known. But a new study shows key parts of the brain actually get thicker through the practice. Brain imaging of regular working folks who meditate regularly revealed increased thickness in cortical regions related to sensory, auditory and visual perception, as…
Blue Sky from Krsna’s Effulgence/ Fresh Jasmine
October 7, 1972, Camp: ISKCON, San Francisco One evening while in his New Dwarka garden, Srila Prabhupada looked into the sky and said, “So, is the sky the color of Krsna?” A disciple said, “In Krsna Book it says that Krsna is dark bluish like the thunder cloud.” Srila Prabhupada said, “The sky is the…
Initiation Means To Become ‘Channelized’ To The Disciplic Succession
Yes, there is definitely a vast difference between initiated and non-initiated. One who is initiated is authorized, and one who is not initiated is not authorized. Just like, for example, Pradyumna is attending class in Sanskrit in a college, he is given chance to learn Sanskrit, but he is not equal with the regular students.…
saṁstutaḥ puruṣaḥ paśuḥ
My Guru Mahārāja once said, “The modern world is a society of the cheaters and the cheated.” Unfortunately, the cheated are eulogizing the cheaters, and the small cheaters are worshiping the great cheaters. Suppose a flock of asses comes and eulogizes me, saying, “Oh, you are Jagad-guru.” What is the value of their praise? But…