A Call For Compassion
“I wish that every selfless, tender hearted person of Gaudiya Math will be prepared to shed two hundred gallons of blood for the nourishment of the spiritual corpus of every individual of this world.” – Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura – Dacca 1935
Mr. Lee Iacocca Gets A Wonderful Opportunity To Perfect His Life
Mr. Lee Iacocca, former Chrysler chairman, receives Dharma, the Way of Transcendence from Gaura Candra Prabhu
Bala Gopala’s Daily Darsan
Prabhupadastakam: Eight Verses Glorifying Srila Prabhupada
inspired by a Sanskrit poem by Sriman Kusakratha dasa – Versification by Dravida dasa 1) sri-sri-navadvipa-para-pradipah sandipyamanah satato bhuviha cetas-tamo hanti hi yasya yatnat tam kirtayamah prabhupadadevam The transcendental lamp of Navadvip, Gaurangadev, He took with great endeavor ’round the world the souls to save Who long had dwelt in darkness, never chanting Krsna’s name…
The Rescue of Govindaji
(A devotee-king uses his royal power and opulence To protect and glorify the Supreme Lord.) by Jagatguru Swami and Satyaraja dasa There are indeed many examples of kings who’ve misused their royal position. But there have also been many saintly rulers. Jai Singh II, king of Amir from 1699 to 1745, ascended the throne at…
Bala Gopala’s Daily Darsan
Mundane Success
At age 4 success is … not wetting your pants. At age 12 success is … having friends. At age 16 success is … having a drivers license. At age 20 success is … having an amiable relationship with an attractive member of the opposite gender. At age 35 success is … having money. At…
Children Learn What They Live
If a child lives with criticism, A child learns to condemn. If a child lives with hostility, A child learns to fight. If a child lives with ridicule, A child learns to be shy. If a child lives with shame, A child learns to feel guilty. If a child lives with tolerance, A child learns…
Bala Gopala’s Daily Darsan
Developing a Vaishnava Community? (Part 2)
by Bir Krishna das Goswami This is a continuation of a previous article here. The entire article with illustrations can be read here. IF WE REALLY WANT TO HAVE GOOD FAMILIES If we really want to have good families, good vaisnava community, we have to give up the enjo-ying spirit. We should not try to…
The Role And Attitude Of A Leader
by HH Bir Krishna Goswami Leaders help and facilitate the devotees’ becoming Krishna conscious. A real leader is a servant leader. He respects the individuality of others. A real leader listens to hear what the other person needs, so that he can actually help him. Leaders lose their authority the moment they say’ “I am…
Bala Gopala’s Daily Darsan
Bala Gopala’s Daily Darsan
ISKCON In The Spritual World
“As soon as we distinguish here is a pure devotee, here is a non-pure devotee, that means I am a nonsense. Why you only want to be in the spiritual sky with Siddhasvarupa? Why not all? If Siddhasvarupa can go, why not everyone? Siddhasvarupa will go, you will go, Syamasundara will go, all others will…
Harinama Shakti !
Dear Devotees Pamho agtSP I am a soldier in the US Army and thought you all might get a laugh at what happened the other day. We had to do a 6 mile run for fitness. Its customary to sing during these runs to build soldier cohesion. So they asked me to sing. I agreed…