Tag: 2007-2011
What equipment do we need to see that God exists?
What equipment do we need to see that God exists? According to Christian author and speaker Ray Comfort we only need "eyes that can see and a brain that works." In May of 2007 Comfort appeared in a live televised debate with Brian Sapient of the atheist group Rational Response Squad. At issue was the…
MySpace Music
Today I spent a little bit of time on the social networking site MySpace.com. They have a section where you can register as a 'band' and shamelessly promote your own music. I thought "Why not? Its a legitimate way to spread the chanting." so I created a profile here: www.myspace.com/ekendradasa Then I thought "Why don't…
Star Wars / Mayavada Connections (?)
Serving Love
Our weapon is karatalas
"Krishna Consciousness is also a sort of fight; but not with rifles. Our weapon is karatalas." – Srila Prabhupada: Letter to Robert Hendry: 3 August, 1969 (And for anyone who's ever been donged in the head with a pair of karatalas, you know this is true.)
Association by Obedience
August 2, 1967 Vrindaban, India My Dear Students, Please accept my blessings. I am always thinking of you, and I am feeling separation. I wish to return at the earliest opportunity. I cannot stop my western world activities and I have taken leave from you for only six months; and it may be that…
Yogi Joke
Three yogis are performing a meditative vigil in a cave high in the Himalayas. One day there is a sound outside of the cave. Six months later one of the yogis says, "that was a tiger." The cave is silent once again. About a year later, another yogi says, "that wasn't a tiger it was…
Immortal Longings
by Ravindra Swarupa Dasa No one likes to be the bearer of bad news. Not only is it unpleasant; it can be dangerous. Kings routinely used to kill on the spot hapless messengers bringing word of defeat. Even so, most people still acknowledge that truth, however unpalatable, is preferable to illusion, however cheering. This is,…
Powers of Observation
I usually give modern scientists a lot of criticism. Its like a pleasure sport. After all, a lot of the accusations I make against them are simply truths that they often skillfully try to hide from the public. Since so many people these days have placed almost a religious level of faith on the scientific…
Price comparison: LPG vs. Petrol
I converted a 1991 Toyota Camry Wagon with a 2.0 litre engine. The conversion cost was $3000 + I paid an extra $250 for automatic valve lubrication device, new ‘LPG specific’ leads and distributer cap. I also paid the extra $200 for the donut tank to fit invisibly in my spare tire recess which was…
Meditation On Lord Jagannatha
by Srila Murari Gupta – Śrī Caitanya-carita Mahākavya 4.21.5 (sourced from Sri Krishna-kathamrta Bindu issue #156) Murari Gupta writes that while gazing at the divine form of Lord Jagannath, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu uttered the following meditation on the Lord, which is derived from the Purān as: nīlādrau śankha-madhye śata-dala-kamale ratna-si hāsana-stha sarvālankāra-yukta nava-ghana-rucira sa sthita…
Spark of Krishna’s Splendor
I think I once read in Hari Bhakti Vilasa that its considered inauspicious to look at the sunset. If you follow such strict codes then don't look at this evening's beautiful view from the front of the house across the valley: Bhagavad-gita 10.41 yad yad vibhūtimat sattvaḿśrīmad ūrjitam eva vātat tad evāvagaccha tvaḿmama tejo-'ḿśa-sambhavam TRANSLATION…
I don’t generally take this sort of thing seriously but this week my mother-in-law has pretty much taken over the house on her visit from New Zealand. I’m hiding out in my room and just spent about twenty minutes answering the very clever survey over at PersonalDNA by which they claim our “true self will…
Brilliance of the Gaudiya LIterature
"As soon as a single person will have conceived the sincere desire of undertaking the promulgation of the tidings of the Gaudiya Literature to the peoples of this world he is thereby enrolled among the agents of Divine Mercy with the power to forward the fulfillment of the expressed wish of the Supreme Lord. The…
We’re involved with something bigger than us.
Here's a letter that puts things into perspective a bit. The real force behind our preaching efforts is much bigger than us. When we presume that our manipulative endeavours to attract folks is where its at then we are only seeing the external situation. As initiates into Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sampradaya we have a tremendous responsibility…