Tag: 2007-2011
We need not become such a scholar.
"You need not become such a scholar. You require simply to understand Sastras Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, etc. and chant Hare Krsna Mantra as much as possible. The thing is if you give more stress on scholarly line, other devotees will try to imitate you. Already your wife has express such intention, and as soon as we…
Baldeo Dauji
Thanks to Manonatha Prabhu we can have darsan of Baldeo Dauji on the outer portion of Vraja Mandala. There’s lots of other nectar on Prabhu’s site so head on over.
Here you can have daily darsan of Krishna-Balarama in Vrindavana: www.vrindavandarshan.com
Bhaktivedanta Audio Preservation
Further to the previous article posted about the Bhaktivedanta audio recordings ….. " In the late 1980s all the known audio tapes of Srila Prabhupada were transferred from reel-to-reel and cassette to DAT as part of the normal archival procedure for preservation. More than a decade has passed, and with the development of new technology…
Bhaktivedanta Archives Will Release Srila Prabhupada’s Uncut Audio
Here’s something that made me happy to read. For quite some time I’ve been annoyed by the fact that the audio series of Srila Prabhupada’s spoken lectures and morning walks are actually truncated from the original recordings. Often there are entire dialogues with essential teachings missing from the versions we can read in the Bhaktivedanta…