Tag: 2007-2011

  • Why We Should Take Srila Prabhupada’s Words Seriously

    “God is everywhere, but He has got a special planet, which is called Goloka Vrndavana. You can enter there and mix with the Supreme Lord just like we are here, mixing one another. I can see you, you can see me, similarly, you can go directly, see God and live with Him, dance with Him,…

  • Badi Door Nagari

    For western readers of this blog this song may be an acquired taste. It has a beautiful melody and rhythm though doesn’t it? Door nagari badi door nagari Kese aaoo mein Kanai tori Gokul nagari badi door nagari…. Raatko aaoo to Kana dar mohe laage Din ko aaoo to dekhe sari nagari…. Badi door nagari…

  • ISKCON News Weekly Block

    If you look to the left here on my blog you will see the Google Reader generated .xml feed presentation of articles from ISKCON News Weekly.

  • Just laugh. It’s good for you.

    While it is normally only considered cliché that “laughter is the best medicine,” specific medical theories attribute improved health, increased life expectancy, and overall improved well-being, to laughter. A study demonstrated neuroendocrine and stress-related hormones decreased during episodes of laughter, which provides support for the claim that humour can relieve stress. In 1989, the Journal…

  • BBT Won’t Make Annotations …. Whew!

    The BBT directors and trustees have turned down the GBC’s recommendation that the BBT add endnotes or appendices to explain potentially off-putting statements in Srila Prabhupada’s books. You can find the BBT’s official statement here: http://www.jswami.info or (permanent address) http://www.jswami.info/bbt/editing/no_notes Thank you to all who contributed your thoughts and opinions. –ys, js

  • Interesting Marriage Experiment

  • Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura Says “Think For Yourself”

    Excerpt from The Bhagavata: Its Philosophy, Its Ethics, and Its Theology by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura "The Bhagavata teaches us that God gives us truth as He gave it to Vyasa: when we earnestly seek for it. Truth is eternal and unexhausted. The soul receives a revelation when anxious for it. The souls of the great…

  • Sign the petition to rescind GBC resolution 311

    This may not even be helpful but, since it seems to be the only organized effort for us to have a say in the matter, please sign this petition. From Prabhupāda Lilamrita: Śrīla Prabhupāda became very angry and denounced the "rascal Sanskrit scholars." "A little learning," he said "is dangerous. Immediately they think they have…

  • GBC Resolution 311: Raping Srila Prabhupada’s Purports

    I suspect that there are many members of ISKCON who aren’t aware of an alarming decision made at this year’s Mayapur meetings by the GBC. The entire list of resolutions was released on their website Dandavats.com. Buried in the lengthy formal parliamentary legalese was Resolution 311: Whereas some of Srila Prabhupada’s books contain sentences such…

  • Can anyone explain why this image exists?

    ** update – in case it isn’t obvious, this is an image of Jesus Christ with Obama’s (US Presidential candidate) face superimposed. Why would anyone go to the trouble to present this? What social influences do you think contributed to its creation? Comments are open (they always are).

  • M S Subbulakshmi: Bhaja Govindam (with almost readable English subtitles)

  • Noam Chomsky On Corporate Propaganda

  • Legal Marraige and Cohabitation Before Fire Yajna?

    Letter to: Omkara — Vrindaban 2 September, 1975 75-09-02 Los Angeles My Dear Omkara dasi: Please accept my blessings. I have seen your letter dated August 17, 1975 and have noted the contents. I never said there should be no more marriage. By all means legally you can get married. How can I object? They…

  • First Things First

    “My advice to you under the circumstances is that at least for one hour you must all go to have Sankirtana outside on the streets or in the park. That is your life and soul, first business. The next business is completing the chanting of 16 rounds every day. The next business is your editing,…

  • The Ideal Lifestyle

    “Our farm projects are an extremely important part of our movement. We must become self sufficient by growing our own grains and producing our own milk, then there will be no question of poverty. So develop these farm communities as far as possible. They should be developed as an ideal society depending on natural products…