Tag: 2007-2011

  • L. Ron Hubbard in his own words

  • Editing Srila Prabhupada’s “Incorrectness”

    (From Transcendental Diary by Hari-sauri Prabhu) Several days ago Prabhupada was preaching to me about the defects of modern science. He spoke about the bluff of modern space travel, referring me to Easy Journey. “I have written there that the attempts to go to the moon are simply childish. You have read?” he asked. I…

  • Lost Tribe

    This is so interesting. "APPEALS have been made to leave alone the members of one of Brazil's last uncontacted Indian tribes, spotted in the Amazon jungle near the Peruvian border. The Indians were sighted and photographed from an aircraft or helicopter during flights over the rainforest in remote Acre state, said Brazil's National Indian Foundation,…

  • Verbatim <-- yeah.

    Regarding preaching work: If you simply reproduce verbatim the purports which I have given in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, and chant Hare Krishna with ecstasy, that will be sufficient for your preaching work, and as you do it seriously and sincerely, Krishna gives you more and more strength for this noble missionary work. (letter to Harivilasa 68-06-10)

  • We stand on our Krishna philosophy

    We stand on our Krishna philosophy, and because it has the full potency of Krishna Himself, there is no limit to the effect it will have upon the world if we remain sincere and convinced for spreading this philosophy purely. Letter to: Bahulasva, 30 November, 1971

  • Uninhibitedly Barging Into Krishna’s Private Life

    “We have to understand Kṛṣṇa first of all, and Kṛṣṇa Himself, explaining Himself. In the Bhagavad-gītā, Kṛṣṇa does not speak anything about His pastimes with Rādhārāṇī. That is strictly prohibited. You never find Kṛṣṇa is speaking about His pastimes with the gopīs or with Rādhārāṇī. No. He’s officially speaking about Himself, “I am this, I…

  • Prayers to Mother Japa Mala

    Sri Nama-mala-grahana-mantra (upon taking one’s beads): tribhanga-bhangima-rupam venu-randhra-karancitam gopi-mandala-madhya-stham sobhitam nanda-nandanam "His form bent in three places, His hands bent over the holes of His flute, the son of Nanda Maharaja stands resplendent amidst a circle of gopis."   Sri Nama-mala-grahana-mantra (on taking the beads for the purpose of japa [japarthe]): avighnam kuru male tvam…

  • Good Advice

  • First Work, Then Samadhi

    Now we are five hundred men, and we each have fifty years. So think of what we can do. But you must become dedicated as I am. Sometimes a Vaisnava is criticized as doing nothing. But Arjuna and Hanuman were Vaisnava warriors. When the high-court judges wear tilaka, then we are successful–my Guru Maharaja said…

  • Excuse Me Sir, Would You Like to Join Our Cult?


  • Hari Bhakti Vilas on Chanting Japa

    SIDDHA KSETRESU TIRTHESU DEVATANANCA SANNIDHAU SAHASRAM SATA KOTINAM ANANTAM VISNU SANNIDHAU (HARI BHAKTI VILASA 17/25 from YAJNAVALKYA SMRTI) If one chants his japa in a transcendental place (such as Vrndavan), or a place of pilgrimage (such as Risikesa, Dvaraka, Badrinatha, Jagannatha Puri, etc.) or near the place of demigods, (according to Srila Sanatana Gosvami’s Digdarsini-tika,…

  • Prabhupada Vyasasana Lila

    Hrdayananda: It was my idea to bring Prabhupada’s vyasasana to the airport. I was thinking, “How can my spiritual master sit in the same seats that karmis sit on?” It just seemed impossible. How could Prabhupada put his lotus body, how could he sit, on the same seats as the karmis? I was very agitated…

  • Can Your Elephant Paint?

    Watch this elephant, rescued from abusive treatment in Burma, now paint an amazing self portrait.

  • Giving a Temple Tour to Western Tourists

    Basic temple tour adaptable to time place, and circumstances (in this case, Chowpatty) by Caru Dasa – February 4, 2008 LOBBY Almost any devotee can give a tour, it’s just a question of how you balance things out, with the visitors’ desires to hear a tour and also get spiritual information. Basically, they’ve come here…

  • Devamrita Swami – How to Honour Your Potential?