Category: 2004-2007

  • 108 names of Sri Radhika

    (uttered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, according to tradition) srimad radha rasa-mayi rasa-jna rasika tatha rasesvari rasa-bhakti rasa-purna rasa-prada rangini rasa-lubdha ca rasa-mandala-karini rasa-vilasini radha radhika rasa-purnada rama-ratna ratna-mayi ratna-mala su-sobhana raktosthi rakta-nayana raktotpala-vidharini ramani raamani gopii vrindavana-vilasini nana-ratna-vicitrangi nana-sukha-mayi-sada samsara-para-tarani venu-gita-vinodini krsna-priya krsna-mayi krsna-dhyana-parayani sadananda ksina-madhya krsnaa krsnalaya subha candravali candra-mukhi candra ca krsna-vallabha vrindavanesvari…

  • Cool word: Crabwise Word of the Day – crabwise: sideways; also, in a cautiously indirect manner.

  • Bala Gopala’s Darsan

    Today’s darsan is available as a desktop wallpaper image by clicking on the image below: varaṁ deva mokṣaṁ na mokṣāvadhiṁ vā na cānyaṁ vṛṇe ?haṁ vareśād apīha idaṁ te vapur nātha gopāla-bālaṁ sadā me manasy āvirāstāṁ kim anyaiḥ “O Lord Dāmodara, although You are able to give all kinds of benedictions, I do not pray…

  • Bala Gopala’s Darsan

    rāmo dāśarathī rāmo bhṛgu-vaṁsa-samudbhavaḥ ātmārāmo jita-krodha- moho mohāndha-bha?janaḥ He is Rāma (rāma), the son of Daśaratha (dāśarathi), and born in the Bhṛgu dynasty (bhṛgu-vaṁsa-samudbhava). He is filled with spiritual bliss (ātmārāma). He has conquered illusion and anger (jita-krodha-moha). He has broken the blindness of material illusions (mohāndha-bha?jana). – Sri Gopala-sahasra-nama – Text 19

  • Bala Gopala’s Darsan

    vṛndā-patiḥ kośa-nidhiḥ koka-śoka-vināśakaḥ candrā-patiś candra-patiś caṇḍa-kodaṇḍa-bha?janaḥ He is the master of Vṛndā-devī (vṛndā-pati) and He is a great treasury of transcendental opulences (kośa-nidhi). He destroys the koka birds’ grief (koka-śoka-vināśaka). He is the master of Candrāvalī (candrā-pati), the master of the moon (candra-pati), and the breaker of the great bow (caṇḍa-kodaṇḍa-bha?jana). – Sri Gopala-sahasra-nama –…

  • How To Acquire Spiritual Knowledge

    “I was very glad to learn that you are following our four principle rules, therefore your picking up of the process of acquiring spiritual knowledge from Bhagavad-gita is very nice. In the Bhagavad-gita it is said that one should “prostrate oneself at the feet of the wise, rendering him all forms of service & question…

  • Jaya Giriraja!

  • Giriraja Maharaha ki jaya!

  • Mobile Phones Seem To Kill Men’s Tadpoles

    Heavy mobile use ‘damages sperm’ from BBC News Heavy use of mobile phones may damage men’s fertility, a study has suggested. Researchers found those men who used a phone for four hours or more a day had fewer sperm and those they had moved less well and were of poorer quality. The Ohio study involving…

  • Crazy Or Just Plain Stupid?

    A guy gets a flat tire in front of a mental hospital. As he’s putting on the spare, the four nuts for securing the tire to the car accidentally fall down a storm grate. He’s distraught because he doesn’t know what to do. A mental patient watching the whole episode from behind a fence says:…

  • Huh?

    Somehow I came across this browsing the net … Hare Krishna Death Metal I don’t know what to make of it. It made me smile but not sure why – yukta vairagya????

  • Kichari – The All Purpose – Totally Delicious – “Poor Man’s Feast Fit For The King”

    How to make kichari according to ekendra das: 1.) get a big pot and fill it half way with water. put it on the stove and turn up the heat high 2.) open the fridge and see what veggies are about to go off. 3.) take them out of the fridge and put them on…

  • “Take advantage of these books.”

    “You should read all this. You don’t read. In the first volume of Bhagavata these things are explained. But I don’t think you read all these things. Do you read? So if you don’t read, then you will feel restless: “Oh, let me go from Japan to India, from India to Japan.” You are restless…

  • Bala Gopala’s Darsan

    rādhāliṅgana-sammoho rādhā-nartana-kautukaḥ rādhā-sa?jāta-samprītī rādhā-kāma-phala-pradaḥ He is enchanted by Rādhā’s embraces (rādhāliṅgana-sammoha). He is eager to dance with Rādhā (rādhā-nartana-kautuka). He is delighted by Rādhā (rādhā-sa?jāta-samprītī). He fulfills Rādhā’s desires (rādhā-kāma-phala-prada). – Sri Gopala-sahasra-nama – Text 17

  • The Bliss Of Chanting

    ?The Holy Name showers liguid nectar on my heart and drowns me in the ocean of divine love of Godhead. One who chants with a pure heart experiences how divine bliss enters his heart and makes it soar with sublime delight. This is the essential nature of the Holy Name. By the influence of the…