Somehow I came across this browsing the net … Hare Krishna Death Metal I don’t know what to make of it. It made me smile but not sure why – yukta vairagya????
Kichari – The All Purpose – Totally Delicious – “Poor Man’s Feast Fit For The King”
How to make kichari according to ekendra das: 1.) get a big pot and fill it half way with water. put it on the stove and turn up the heat high 2.) open the fridge and see what veggies are about to go off. 3.) take them out of the fridge and put them on…
“Take advantage of these books.”
“You should read all this. You don’t read. In the first volume of Bhagavata these things are explained. But I don’t think you read all these things. Do you read? So if you don’t read, then you will feel restless: “Oh, let me go from Japan to India, from India to Japan.” You are restless…
Bala Gopala’s Darsan
rādhāliṅgana-sammoho rādhā-nartana-kautukaḥ rādhā-sa?jāta-samprītī rādhā-kāma-phala-pradaḥ He is enchanted by Rādhā’s embraces (rādhāliṅgana-sammoha). He is eager to dance with Rādhā (rādhā-nartana-kautuka). He is delighted by Rādhā (rādhā-sa?jāta-samprītī). He fulfills Rādhā’s desires (rādhā-kāma-phala-prada). – Sri Gopala-sahasra-nama – Text 17
The Bliss Of Chanting
?The Holy Name showers liguid nectar on my heart and drowns me in the ocean of divine love of Godhead. One who chants with a pure heart experiences how divine bliss enters his heart and makes it soar with sublime delight. This is the essential nature of the Holy Name. By the influence of the…
Bala Gopala’s Darsan
rādhā-rati-sukhopeto rādhā-mohana-tat-paraḥ rādhā-vaśī-karo rādhā- hṛdayāmbhoja-ṣaṭpadaḥ He enjoys pastimes with Rādhā (rādhā-rati-sukhopeta). He is enchanted by Rādhā (rādhā-mohana-tat-para). He has Rādhā under His control (rādhā-vaśī-kara). He is a bee attracted to the lotus of Śrī Rādhā’s heart (rādhā- hṛdayāmbhoja-ṣaṭpada). – Sri Gopala-sahasra-nama – Text 16
Pleasing Prabhuada Is Where The Shakti Comes From …
“I am very sorry to hear Kirtanananda, without doing anything practical, changes his ideas constantly. He was first man in our society to take the robes shave cleanly, & take flag & now he is changing his position. You have asked me to tell you whether you are right or carry one by the following…
Hari-Katha and Kartika
from Hari-bhakti-vilasa, by Srila Sanatana Gosvami Moreover, for those who hear Visnu-katha in this month, each half verse or quarter of verse yields the fruits of donating one hundred cows; indeed, O great sage, all other duties should be given up in favor of hearing scriptures from holy men. Be it for spiritual benefit or…
An Interesting Letter From Srila Prabhupada ….
October 9, 1968 Seattle, Washington My Dear Satsvarupa, Please accept by blessings. I have received your letter without date, stating about the situation in Boston. On the statement of your letter, I can understand that it is a political situation. Of course, although everything includes in Krishna Consciousness, we do not wish to take part…
Krishna das Kaviraja’s advice for communicating
“mitam ca saram ca vaco hi vagmita” – Real eloquence is making your essential point concisely
Bala Gopala’s Darsan
varaṁ deva mokṣaṁ na mokṣāvadhiṁ vā na canyaṁ vṛṇe ‘haṁ vareṣād apīha idaṁ te vapur nātha gopāla-bālaṁ sadā me manasy āvirāstāṁ kim anyaiḥ O Lord, although You are able to give all kinds of benedictions, I do not pray to You for the boon of impersonal liberation, nor the highest liberation of eternal life in…
“When you actually see God, you cannot see anything except God.”
Viṣṇujana: Lord Jesus Christ said that if you would see God, your eye must be single. Was he referring to that same statement that love of God is that single eye? Prabhupāda: That means your one eye will be lost? What do you mean by that? Viṣṇujana: Just he stated it that… Prabhupāda: No, what…
Why Study?
?So nana-śāstra-vicaraṇaika-nipunau. So we have to study the Vedic literature very carefully, following the footsteps of Gosvāmīs. Not only chanting. This is also required, kṛṣṇot-kīrtana-gāna. But this is meant, if you simply go on chanting without reading books, that is also good. Especially in this age, because nobody has got power to study books. Education…
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