Nitai Guna Mani
Nitai Guna Mani (Nityananda, the Jewel of Virtues) (from the Caitanya-mangala, by Locana dasa Thakura) (1) nitai guna-mani amar nitai guna-mani aniya premer vanya bhasailo avani My Lord Nityananda, the jewel of all virtues, my Lord Nityananda, the jewel of all virtues, has brought the flood of ecstatic love of God that has drowned the…
Obeisances To Sri Nityananda Prabhu
nityanandam aham naumi sarvananda-karam param hari-nama-pradam devam avadhuta-shiromanim “I bow down to the Supreme Lord Nityananda Prabhu, who is the awarder of the highest joy to all, the bestower of the holy name and the crest jewel of all paramahamsa mendicants.” sankarsanah karana-toya-shayi garbhoda-shayi cha payobdhi-shayi sheshash cha yasyamsha-kalah sa nitya- nandakhya-ramah sharanam mamastu “May…
Sukha-sindhu das
Bala Gopala’s Daily Darsan
kasturI-tilakaM lalATa-paTale vakSaH-sthale kaustubham nAsAgre vara-mauktikaM kara-tale veNuH kare kaGkaNam sarvAGge hari-candanaM su-lalitaM kaNThe ca muktAvalI gopa-strI-pariveSTito vijayate gopAla-cUDA-maNiH All glories to the crest jewel of cowherd boys known as Gopal, who has a musk tilaka-mark on his forehead, the kaustubha jewel on his chest, a graceful pearl on the tip of his nose, a…
“Invigorated” By Servitorship
(thanks Nanda Suno Prabhu) “Unless one is invigorated by this mentality of servitorship one cannot understand the mellows derived from devotional service to the Supreme Lord, Kṛṣṇa.” – Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Ādi 6 Summary
Keeping Lord Caitanya’s Standards Will Save The World
Sri Narottama das Thakura says all sinful persons and suffering persons were delivered by the Sankirtana Movement inaugurated by Lord Caitanya, Who was formerly the Son of Nanda Maharaja, accompanied by Nityananda Prabhu, Who was formerly Sri Balarama. If we keep ourselves purely on the standard of Lord Caitanya’s order, then chanting by us of…
Understand And Reproduce
I am very pleased to learn that both you and your wife have been lecturing on Krishna Consciousness at the George Washington University and there was good response to your program. You simply read our books and if you simply reproduce the purport of Srimad-Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita, people will take it very seriously. So, of…
Design and Technology – Term 1
This week was the first of many to come this term at the Bhaktivedanta Swami Gurukula here at New Govardhana. Here’s a wonderful class of kids: We’re going to have a lot of fun this year. Here’s whats on the menu: They are going to plan, design and cultivate their own organic veggie garden for…
A Devotee Sees Krishna Everywhere
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 11.2.41 khaḿ vāyum agniḿ salilaḿ mahīḿ ca jyotīḿṣi sattvāni diśo drumādīn sarit-samudrāḿś ca hareḥ śarīraḿ yat kiḿ ca bhūtaḿ praṇamed ananyaḥ A devotee should not see anything as being separate from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa. Ether, fire, air, water, earth, the sun and other luminaries, all living beings, the directions, trees…
Madhvacarya On Kanistha Understanding
Srila Madhvacarya states, arcayam eva samsthitam/ visnum jnatva tad-anyatra naiva janati yah puman. A kanistha-adhikari has no idea that the Supreme Lord has the power to exist outside a church or temple. Furthermore, being puffed up by his own ceremonial worship (atmano bhakti-darpatah), a kanistha-adhikari cannot imagine that anyone is more pious or religious than…
The Evil Computer
from Jayadvaita Swami’s blog: “The computer is an invitation to illusion. The Vedic sages say the main illusions we get hooked on are two: “I am the enjoyer” and “I am the controller.” And for being the controller, the computer is great. You give it instructions, commands. You figure out how to make it do…
Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai, Sri Sri Radha-Govardhandari, Sri Sri Krishna Balarama
Our Real Friends
Brahma Purana 163.20 apavadi haret papam atithih svarga-sankramah abhyagatam pathi srantam savajnam yo ‘bhiksate The guest and the critic are the two real kinsmen of the entire universe. The critic dispels sins and the guest bestows heaven. (sourced from Krishna-kathamrita-bindu)
The Sum And Substance Of Devotional Life
ahaḿ hare tava pādaika-mūla- dāsānudāso bhavitāsmi bhūyaḥ manaḥ smaretāsu-pater guṇāḿs te gṛṇīta vāk karma karotu kāyaḥ TRANSLATION O my Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, will I again be able to be a servant of Your eternal servants who find shelter only at Your lotus feet? O Lord of my life, may I again become…
Bala Gopala’s Very Dear Associate
Since arriving here in Australia we’ve taken advantage of the warm and humid tropical climate to begin growing a garden for Bala Gopala’s pleasure. First and foremost we needed to invite Srimati Tulsi Devi to reside. By transcendental arrangement Gita-Govinda Mataji from the temple gave us some seeds to cultivate and by Her own mercy…