Bala Gopala’s Daily Darsan
Journal Summary
So this was our last week at Unlimited School. I’ve had a lot to reflect on this past month. The teaching that goes on here is a lot different than on my first teaching practice at Villa Maria. Here they readily facilitate my attempts at reflective practice and some staff will even take as much…
Bala Gopala’s Daily Darsan
Finally, we have the digital camera back. I hope to post Gopala’s darsan here regularly again.
Your Own Personal Mahabharata
Srila Prabhupada once told this story: There was once a muslim king who happened to hear some of the stories from the Mahabharata while travelling through his empire. He was very impressed with the activities of the great personalities he had heard about and upon returning to his palace he called upon one of his…
We Require Hundreds and Thousands of Spiritual Masters
So we require hundreds and thousands of spiritual masters who have understood this Krishna science and have preached it all over the world. That is the problem. To this end, we have formed this society and we invite all sincere souls to take part in the society and become a spiritual master, and preach this…
Intense Service Reveals Krishna
By intense service of the Lord, one can experience the presence of the Lord transcendentally. Therefore seeing the Lord means being engaged in His service because His service and His person are identical. SB 1.6.19–22
A Special Residence For The Lady Devotees
by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada On 21 September 1925, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada gave a long lecture to the devotees assembled at the Gaudiya Math about how to lead an exemplary devotional life. An excerpt from that lecture follows: All of you please perceive everything of this world as ingredients for serving Krishna; everything…
To Accept When Krishna Arranges Failure Is To Be Krishna Conscious
Samah siddhav asiddhau ca. If you are working for Krishna, it is Krishna’s decision whether you are successful or not successful. The word here is asiddhau. This means don’t think that because you are Krishna conscious, you will always be successful, for it really doesn’t matter. If you are unsuccessful, then be assured that this…
Fourth Week @ Unlimited
We’ve had a good week. I continued to be involved with a lot of one on one teaching which I find to be the most satisfying teaching format for me. Some of these kids are way ahead of me in terms of content knowledge. Its not that I can really sit down with them and…
Third Week @ Unlimited
My third week here at Unlimited continued on in the introspective vein. One very good thing that is coming from my experiences here is that I’m starting to find myself as a teacher. Of course, my first teaching practice was at Villa Maria Catholic All-Girls School which is as close to an antithesis of the…
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu: His Life and Precepts
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu: His Life and Precepts by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura “Caitanya Mahaprabhu was born in Mayapur in the town of Nadia just after sunset on the evening of the 23rd Phalguna (1407 Sakadba), answering to the 18th of February 1486 of the Christian Era. The moon was eclipsed at the time of His birth,…
Second Week At Unlimited
My second week at unlimited gave me enough to time to settle into the program here. I’ve developed some nice relationships with some students and I’ve managed to really get into some nice teaching – especially with the one-on-one mentoring. One student is working on an entreprenual project centered around a game called Acorn Drop…
‘Sabure Mawaphale’ Principle
“It doesn’t matter if things are going a little slow, but make everything slow but sure. That is a good principle. To do things hastily and incorrectly is not good. There is a proverb in Bengali; ‘sabure mawaphale.’ This means that all valuable nuts like almonds, macadamias, walnuts, coconuts, etc. all take a long time…