Tag: 2007-2011

  • Why have a temple?

    “Temple means people should come, people should learn the science of God. Not that to make a business of temple. Temple means spiritual educational shelter. People should come and learn what is spiritual life, what is God, what is my relationship with God.” – His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada – Calcutta, 8th March,…

  • Work vs. Prison

    Just in case you ever get these two environments mixed up, this should make things a little bit clearer.  @ PRISON  @ WORK  You spend the majority of your time in a 10X10 cell  You spend the majority of your time in an 8X8 cubicle  You get three meals a day fully paid for  you…

  • Extreme Yogis

    Krishna’s the ability in man. Check it out:

  • Alien Saucer Crash

  • Man – An Amazing Species

    “Isn’t a man an amazing animal? He kills wildlife by the millions in order to protect his domestic animal and their feed. Then he kills domestic animals by the billions and eats them. This in turn kills man by the millions, because eating all those animals leads to degenerative – and fatal – health conditions…

  • Cure for Chanting Mysticism

    New York, 1966 A long-haired girl sitting close to Swamiji’s dais raised her hand and asked, seemingly in trance, “When I am chanting, I feel a great concentration of energy on my forehead, and then a buzzing comes and a reddish light.” “Just keep on chanting,” Swamiji replied. “It will clear up.” (from Srila Prabhupada…

  • Reverse Specism


  • Srila Prabhupada – Monkey And Log

    As with all of Gopala’s podcasts, please listen to them. Don’t just collect for the sake of collecting.

  • Uncommon Sense

    I read this over on Madhava Gosh Prabhu's excellent blog: "Use common sense and if you have none then consult with others." – Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Vidya — Vrindaban 25 October, 1976  🙂  

  • Last Material Body. That’s a Fact.

    Guest: Is this your last body? If so, how do you know? The audience laughed at the bold question. Prabhupada: I think so. (Laughter) Not only I, all of my disciples. They are going to … Because we are not speaking nonsense. This is there in the Bhagavad-gita: Anyone who understands Krsna factually, the result…

  • Something

    Shortly after Sriman George Harrison left his body there was an article in BTG (Back to Godhead magazine), written by Shymasundar Prabhu , one of George’s friends. It reveals George’s “real” meaning of the song, “Something.” Shymasundara Prabhu writes: Picking up where we had last left off, in that roomful of rock-stars, promoters, and delirious…

  • Ukranian Candid Camera

    Just for the sake of having a laugh …

  • Write to Purify Oneself

    Sunday, 14 October, 1973 Bombay My Dear Patita Uddharana Das: Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 9, 1973 and have noted the contents. Yes, regarding your poems, I shall like to see what you have written. The encyclopedia is too great a task. Do not attempt it.…

  • May I always reside in the midst of cows.

    May cows stay in front of me; may cows stay behind me; may cows stay on both sides of me. May I always reside in the midst of cows. – Hari Bhakti-vilas 16.252

  • Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami – Dynamics of Vedic Social Psychology – Part 1

    This class is well worth a listen. You can download it if you like. I'll try to hunt down the remaining classes in the series and post them over the next few days. I think this is automatically a podcast. If any podcast subscribers have trouble with it then just let me know via my…