Festival of India @ Penn State
Men and women wore vibrantly colored dhoti, classical Indian garb, while the sound of transcendental hymns and the smell of traditional Indian cuisine filled the air as the HUB lawn was temporarily transformed into ancient India yesterday afternoon. The Penn State Vedic Society, along with the Festival of India, presented Transcendence ’04: A Celebration of…
“Thinking of Krishna”
Early one morning Subala left the land at Ramana-reti, where he had been staying, and approached Srila Prabhupada on the roof of the Radha-Damodara temple. “Prabhupada,” he said, “I am having so much difficulty. I don’t have time to read, I can’t chant my rounds properly, I can’t think of Krsna. I’m always thinking of…
Bed Bugs Bite
Govinda dasi : We had met Swamiji in San Francisco, and only a few days before Swamiji left for New York, Gaurasundara, my husband, and I decided we desperately wanted to go there with him. After all, we had left college in November in search of a spiritual teacher and we met Swamiji in December…
How to Make Spiritual Advancement
by Sruta-kirti das October 1972, Vrindavan, India Camp: Radha Damodara Temple Since arriving here on October 15th Srila Prabhupada has been giving classes on the “Nectar of Devotion” every evening in the courtyard near the Bhajana Kutir of Srila Rupa Goswami. This took place during the month of Kartika. Srila Prabhupada had spoken about doing…
The Pauper and the Omniscient Sage
A very poor householder brahmana had to maintain a large number of children. The brahmana was almost a pauper and he lamented his prolonged poverty. The local people never cared to help him but used to ridicule him in many ways, saying that he actually possessed huge wealth and pretended to be a pauper with…
Golden, Silver, and Iron Shackles
There was once a prince, a minister’s son, and a treasurer’s son who were all close friends. Once upon a time, all three of them set out on a long journey to different distant lands. On the way they happened to arrive at a royal palace where the king of that land was absent, but…
Doing Sums for Teacher
A landlord had hired a tutor for his son, who was weak in mathematics. The tutor gave the boy lots of sums to do, but the boy would continually whine that the tutor must show him how to add the sums first. The boy was so indulged by his wealthy parents that he could not…
Hellish Pandemonium
A pious brahmana once told a drunkard, “Look, if you continue to drink wine, you are going to go to hell when you depart from this body. This is the statement of the Vedas.” The drunkard replied, “But Suren Babu also takes wine.” The brahmana said, “Well, then he will also go to hell.” Drunkard:…
Cutting Ones’ Own Nose to Spoil Another’s Journey
In a village lived two persons name Susanta and Krtanta who had for a long time been mischievious towards one another. Once they had been good friends, but somehow or other that friendship turned to rivalry. Now their relationship centered on one making trouble for the other, back and forth, tit for tat. Susanta, at…
Spitting Upward
A boy wanted to seize the moon. Though his parents explained that this desire could not be fulfilled, he insisted that it must be fulfilled. They finally brought him to the top of a high building. Though he stretched his arms out as much as he could, he could still not catch the moon in…
Flying Popcorn Govindaya Namah
Harakanta Cakravati was famous for his Vaisnavism in his rural locale. People would say, “Cakravarti Thakur never accepts any food unless it is offered to the Lord.” Once at a Pous-samkranti festival, Cakravarti bought some popcorn for his wife’s lunch. By chance a strong wind came up and blew a quantity of popcorn from the…
Sleeping on Bare Ground When the Cot is Broken
As a dowry gift, a man was given a cot, which was actually very cheap and was soon broken. To save face, the man took to sleeping on the bare ground in a pretended mood of renunciation. He also began preaching to all and everyone that a life of comfort and material opulence is illusion;…
Hinduism and Ecology – A Sustainable Relationship
In setting out to write an article on the subject of ‘Hinduism and Ecology’ I felt a necessity to come up with at least some functional definitions of the two terms. Ecology was the easiest to define. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica it is explained as “the relationship between organisms and their environment.” When we…
How Often will a Shaven-headed Man Visit a Wood-apple Tree?
There was a man who kept his head clean-shaven. When he passed underneath a particular bael (wood-apple) tree, a bael- fruit fell on his head. The next day it happened again. Later, when he was walking with some friends and they approached that same tree, he left the group and made a wide circle around…
Open the Door to Get Light on Your Floor
When a spoiled young man who was pampered by his parents once overslept in his bolted and shuttered room, his family gathered outside to awaken him. Inside his room it was dark, so he yelled out, “Why are you waking me in the middle of the night? It’s time to sleep!” The family called back,…