• Thursday 26 August 2004

    Today was mainly spent planning lessons and clarifying the specific areas I will be teaching. Tommorrow one of my associates is wanting me to take her entire class. This would be my first real full class. Because the topic is something I’m familiar and comfortable with I think it will go well.

  • Two Main Qualities of a Vaisnava

    Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura: In the teachings of Sriman Mahaprabhu, there are two principal instructions: developing a taste for the chanting of the Lord’s holy names and displaying compassion for the fallen souls. The greatness of a Vaishnava depends on the extent to which he possesses these qualities… All good qualities of a Vaishnava automatically manifest…

  • Brahmanas Don’t Construct Big Houses – They Construct Character

    Srila Prabhupada: “So far we are concerned, we shall live very simple life, simply in Krsna consciousness. That is brahmana. Brahmana does not go to construct big, big house. He simply constructs his character, and the other ksatriyas and vaisyas, they offer him, ‘Please come here and sit down.’” Room Conversation – October 5, 1975,…

  • Lalu and Kalu

    A grocer had two sons named Lalu and Kalu. He wanted them to be trained in the use of weights and measurements so that they’d be of help to him in his business. And so he hired a tutor to educate them. But these boys were incorrigibly naughty, and the tutor quit in disgust. So…

  • Wednesday 25 August 2004

    Today was mainly spent planning a few lessons. This friday I will take one class the demonstrates the practical use of a spreadsheet. I thought to bring in the one I keep on my electricity readings to show the girls. This gives them a real world example of how it can be used. I have…

  • Worldliness Means Dupliciousness

    Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura wrote in Shri Chaitanya’s Teachings (pgs. 22-23): “Worldly people possess a double nature. They express one kind of sentiment but internally cherish a different purpose. Moreover they want to advertise this duplicity as a mark of liberalism or love of harmony. Those who are unwilling to show any duplicity, wish to…

  • The Glories of Pizza Prasadam

    This was floating around the internet about 6 years ago. I thought I’d drag it out as I still believe its message to be timeless. ——————————————— The Glories of Pizza Prasadam by Lasagne dasa Vanapasta dadati pratigrinati guhyam akhyati pricchati bhunkte bhojayate caiva sad-vidha priti-laksanam “Offering gifts in charity, accepting charitable gifts, revealing one’s mind…

  • Cow-hooves Clapping

    [excerpt from 1008 Ways to Remember Srila Prabhupada, by Govinda das ACBSP] “While living together with Srila Prabhupada in New Jersey, we would have kirtan, just the four of us or if guests came from New York we would also have kirtans and Srila Prabhupada would talk. He was recovering from the stroke, so he…

  • “All Glories to Balam Rice and Cow Ghee”

    One landlord was having difficulty keeping house-servants. After a few days of work, they would leave his employ. He was ever having to search out new help; his household was thus never properly managed. He mentioned this problem to a friend of his. “Why is it so difficult for me to keep even one steady…

  • Tuesday 24 August 2004

    Today was much more curriculum centered. Also I went to the actual classes that I’ll be assisting in. I was handed a seating chart for one class which will really help me with the names. For the other classes I just have the printout of mug shots which isn’t as easy. I have an idea…

  • The Swami Step and the Jumping

    [as told by Madhudvisa Prabhu] Srila Prabhupada was playing his kartals and leading a kirtan. Then he told someone else to lead. In those days the kirtans were ecstatic but they weren’t uproarious because we did the swami step. The swami step was a choreographed step in which everybody would dance by putting one foot…

  • “There Runs the Thief!”

    A village was plagued by thievery. Things would disappear from houses in the night, and though careful guard was kept and the alarm was raised whenever something went missing, the thief always managed to escape detection. At last the village headman called in all those who’d been burgled and interviewed each in confidence. He discovered…

  • Monday 23 August 2004

    So today was my first day @ Villa Maria High School. This is an all-girls Catholic School with an emphasis on character development alongside the curriculum. I’d have to say that this focus on integrity is immediately perceptible upon entering the classroom. The group of girls I observed today were year 9. I was surprised…

  • Does evil exist?

    The university professor challenged his students with this question: “Did God create everything that exists?” A student bravely replied, “Yes, he did!” “God created everything? The professor asked. “Yes sir”, the student replied. The professor answered, “If God created everything, then God created evil since evil exists, and according to the principal that our works…

  • BG 2.41 – Resolute in Purpose

    BG 2.41 vyavasayatmika buddhir ekeha kuru nandana bahu sakha hy anantas ca buddhayo ‘vyavasayinam vyavasaya atmika resolute in Krsna consciousness; buddhih intelligence; eka only one; iha in this world; kuru nandana O beloved child of the Kurus; bahu sakhah having various branches; hi indeed; anantah unlimited; ca also; buddhayah intelligence; avyavasayinam of those who are…