Tag: 2007-2011
What Does it Mean to be Qualified?
Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s movement is so nice that you don’t require to acquire something artificial. No. Wherever you are, remain there. Simply hear. And preaching means to propagate or to vibrate what Krsna has said. So this is the position of the preacher, that you simply repeat, like a parrot, no qualification. You simply … Whatever…
Defects and Disobedience
So if there are any defects within our Society it is only symptom that the instructions of the Spiritual Master are being neglected. Follow my instructions strictly and always think for giving this gift of Krishna Consciousness wherever you go and to whomever you meet, this is the advice of Lord Caitanya. – letter from…
Realizations About Srila Prabhupada’s Potency to Deliver His Dependents
I received this today from Yaso Prabhu here in Australia. He's the uncle of Lila Salter recently left this world in Vrindavana. "Jamalarjuna maintained a bedside vigil with Lila for the entire time she was in a coma. Just before Lila left the room was full of devotees having a "blazing kirtan". Jamal said that he…
Treat Each Day Like Its Your Last
Determination and Love
Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta Madhya-līlā Chapter 4 Text 186 pragāḍha-premera ei svabhāva-ācāranija-duḥkha-vighnādira nā kare vicāra SYNONYMS pragāḍha—intense; premera—of love of Godhead; ei—this; svabhāva—natural; ācāra—behavior; nija—personal; duḥkha—inconvenience; vighna—impediments; ādira—and so on; nā—not; kare—does; vicāra—consideration. TRANSLATION “This is the natural result of intense love of Godhead. The devotee does not consider personal inconveniences or impediments. In all circumstances he wants…
Srila Prabhupada on Modern Politics
“In modern society there is always a great quarrel between the laborers and the capitalists. This quarrel has taken an international shape, and the world is in danger. Men face one another in enmity and snarl just like cats and dogs. Śrī Īśopaniṣad cannot give advice to the cats and dogs, but it can deliver…
“It is now evident that some of our top men are very much ambitious and there have been so many fall-downs.” – Srila Prabhupada letter to Bhagavan Dasa – 27 January 1975
The English and Their Cricket
George Bernard Shaw said, “The English are not a spiritual people, so they invented cricket to give them some idea of eternity.”
Criticizing Other Religious Systems
Another important point mentioned in this connection is anindaya — we should not criticize others’ methods of religion. There are different types of religious systems operating under different qualities of material nature. Those operating in the modes of ignorance and passion cannot be as perfect as that system in the mode of goodness. In Bhagavad-gita…
More Than a Brahmacari
A brahmacari is good for living a life of celibacy, but a person who can live a life of celibacy in the presence of a beautiful and obliging wife is more than a brahmacari. Of course anyone who is stuck up with only one wife is also called brahmacari. You will set a very good…
Gopis’ Heartbeats
Walking by the sea near San Franscisco, Srila Prabhupada said of the sound of waves crashing on the beach: “This is an echo of the gopis’ heartbeats when they are feeling separation from Krsna.” (from Srila Prabhupada-lilamrta)
Sunday Feast Quote
I made this movement successful simply by love feast. They did not come to hear Hare Krishna. They came for love feast. From very beginning, when I was in 26 2nd Avenue, every Sunday I was giving nice foodstuff, at least 200 men. Daily at least more than 15, 20. I was cooking myself. That…
Indiscriminantly Serving Vaisnavas Can Be Offensive
The madhyama-vaisnava must serve each Vaisnava in accordance with his status. Only the uttama-vaisnava does not consider or analyse whether a Vaisnava is kanistha, madhyama, or uttama before he interacts with him. If a madhyama-vaisnava artificially adopts this mentality, he becomes an aparadhi, offender. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu revealed these truths of Vaisnava etiquette in a…
The Leadership Industry – Why Does It Exist?
Lately there has been a lot of talk amongst some devotees on the subject of leadership development. This is something that raises my concern and interest. Its a delicate and multi-faceted subject so I don't think I have the capacity to express my thoughts in a single posting. Over the next few weeks I intend…
The ‘Choc Wars’ Rage On …..
Some quotes from the Vedabase about chocolate: Cocoa and chocolate are not to be taken as they are intoxicants. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Surasrestha — Los Angeles 14 June, 1972 ———————————– If chocolate is not an intoxicant, it can be offered to the Deities. >>> Ref. VedaBase => From: Paramahamsa – SL_750608_A1 ———————————–…