Category: 2004-2007

  • Overemphasis On Education

    I’m all for kids learning to value their education but this is taking things to an extreme, if you ask me: TOKYO (Reuters) – A Japanese boy burned down his home, killing his stepmother and two younger siblings, for fear his parents would find out he had lied about his score on an English test.…

  • Statistics: Americans’ circle of close friends shrinking

    Mon Jun 26, 2006 08:48 AM ET By Amanda Beck WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Americans are more socially isolated than they were 20 years ago, separated by work, commuting and the single life, researchers reported on Friday. Nearly a quarter of people surveyed said they had “zero” close friends with whom to discuss personal matters. More…

  • Computer Joke

    “A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.” – Emo Philips

  • Hare Krishna In Pop Culture

    Came across this today on Wikipedia. Some highlights: In Bee Season by Myla Goldberg one of the subplots revolves around the conversion of a teenage boy to the Hare Krishna religion. On Mad TV in an episode from season 1 there is a sketch called “Krishna Rock”. The skit takes place at an airport where…

  • Nimai’s Irresistable Prediction

    “Those who run from me today will chant my glories and qualities tomorrow.” – Nimai Pandit – Sri Caitanya Bhagavat Adi 11.49

  • Srimad-Bhagavatam Is For Paramahamsas

    Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura: “A swanlike person can identify another swanlike brother who posseses all the appropriate symptoms, whether he is from the same country or not. Although their dress, language, worship, Diety, and behavior may appear different, they should freely address each other as brother. These type of people are called paramahamsas and Srimad-Bhagavatam is…

  • Nirvana?

    BANGKOK (Reuters) – Buddhist monks in Thailand are too tired to receive early morning alms because they are staying up late to watch the World Cup, a Thai newspaper reported on Wednesday. The Nation quoted a woman in the northern city of Chiang Mai who said her birthday celebrations were ruined because monks at a…

  • Village Superstition – A Downside Of Religious Fervor

    What do you think of this? A result of monkofilia? KOLKATA (Reuters) – Thousands of people are flocking to an impoverished Indian village in eastern West Bengal state to worship a man they believe possesses divine powers because he climbs up trees in seconds, gobbles up bananas and has a “tail.” Devotees say 27-year-old villager…

  • Anyone looking to buy a good notebook PC?

    Haribol venerable Vaisnavas. PAMHO AGTSP Recently I purchased a laptop for our clothing business. I think I’ve found the best deal around. If anyone else is interested or looking to purchase a laptop then let me know via email (ekendra AT and I will forward you the details. Its an IBM certified refurbished (this…

  • ebay

  • Bala Gopala’s Daily Darsan

    mālā-kāraḥ kṛpā-kāraḥ kokila-svara-bhūṣaṇaḥ rāmo nīlāmbaro devo halī durdama-mardanaḥ He is expert at making flower garlands (mālā-kāra), merciful (kṛpā-kāra), decorated with a voice like the cuckoos’ singing (kokila-svara-bhūṣaṇa), Lord Balarāma (rāma), dressed in blue garments (nīlāmbara), the Supreme Personality of Godhead (deva), the holder of the plow (halī), and the crusher of the invincible (durdama-mardana). –…

  • A Fruitful Tree Bows Down

    Srila Prabhupada once used the tree as a metaphor, comparing it to a humble and proud human being. During the lecture he was posturing as he spoke, in order to emphasize his point. He said that a tree laden with fruit bends forward like a humble human, whereas a tree devoid of fruits, flowers and…

  • Super Ecstatic Story That Should Send Shivers Up Your Spine!

    How’s that for a title? 🙂 Here’s the story from “A story that Tara Prabhu often tells is that of a woman who approached a book distributor and asked him, “Do you have the Krsna book?!” He said yes and showed her volume one. She replied, “No; no!! Volume two is what I want.…

  • “Freegans” who only eat free food. ??

    “Everything I eat comes from dumpsters,” Ash says. “For me it’s a logical lifestyle choice. It’s such a natural thing to use up that waste.” Some call them “dumpster divers,” others brand them “skip lickers,” but Ross Parry and Ash Falkingham like to count themselves among the Freegans — a growing band of foragers who…

  • Bala Gopala’s Darsan

    gaja-sāmī gajoddhārī kāmī kāma-kalā-nidhiḥ kalaṅka-rahitaś candro bimbāsyo bimba-sattamaḥ He is powerful like an elephant (gaja-sāmī and gajoddhārī), passionate (kāmī), a treasury of amorous arts (kāma-kalā-nidhi), pure (kalaṅka-rahita), splendid like the moon (candra), with a face splendid like the moon (bimbāsya), and splendid like the moon (bimba-sattama). – Sri Gopala-sahasra-nama – Text 9